Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hello, World. Hasta La Vista, Shampoo

We decided to make a blog, so hello world. This is our blog.

We also decided to not use shampoo anymore, which Chelle calls "poo free" but just typing that made me shudder, so that will be my only reference labeled as such.  When I say "we" decided to go shampoo-free, I should be more clear. She was like "I'm not using shampoo on my hair anymore" and I was all "omg yesss! I'm totally sold. I hate washing my hair."  Then she explained that I still have to wash it [UGH!], but it's going to be chemical-free and longwordswecantpronounce-free so I was like [big dramatic sigh] "fine".

So she made some and brought it to me tonight. I'll have her post the recipe on how to make it if anyone in the world ever reads this and subsequently is like, "this sounds like a great idea". Her ideas are usually great and come with FANTASTIC results, which is why it's so easy for her to convince me to do random things like stop eating CHEESE, an absolute STAPLE in my life for the last 25 years.. but we'll get into that later.

I just got out of the shower so my hair is still soaking wet, but we will report on the status of our hair as time progresses. Don't worry, we'll usually post about WAY less interesting things than our hair, but we're funny so at least we will enjoy reading these someday. I felt hers today and it felt like hay, so I'm really excited [this is my sarcastic face] about how hot we're going to look walking around like edward scissorhands. Oh well, at least it's just in time for Halloween!

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